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Inability to Perform Fine Motor Tasks or Grasp Objects – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Inability to Perform Fine Motor Tasks or Grasp Objects – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Inability to Perform Fine Motor Tasks or Grasp Objects – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
Home / Inability to Perform Fine Motor Tasks or Grasp Objects – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Inability to Perform Fine Motor Tasks or Grasp Objects: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments at Emirates Hospitals Group

The inability to perform fine motor tasks or grasp objects can hinder daily activities, such as writing, buttoning a shirt, or holding a cup. This condition is often linked to problems with the nervous system, muscles, or joints.


Common causes include:

  • Neurological Disorders – Conditions like Parkinson’s disease, stroke, or multiple sclerosis can affect the brain’s ability to control fine motor movements.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Compression of the median nerve in the wrist can cause weakness, numbness, and difficulty grasping objects.
  • Arthritis – Inflammatory or degenerative joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, can cause stiffness and pain in the hands and fingers.
  • Muscle Weakness or Injury – Conditions like muscular dystrophy, tendonitis, or trauma can impair muscle function and restrict fine motor skills.
  • Peripheral Neuropathy – Damage to the peripheral nerves from diabetes, infections, or autoimmune diseases can lead to sensory and motor impairments in the hands.
  • Cerebral Palsy – A condition that affects motor control, particularly in children, leading to difficulty with fine motor skills and grasping objects.


A healthcare provider will typically perform:

  • Physical Examination – Assessing hand strength, coordination, and range of motion.
  • Neurological Tests – Evaluating reflexes, sensation, and nerve function to identify underlying causes.
  • Imaging Tests – MRI or CT scans to assess for nerve or brain-related issues.
  • Electromyography (EMG) – To evaluate muscle function and diagnose nerve-related disorders.

Treatment Options in Dubai

If you’re unable to perform fine motor tasks or grasp objects, consult a healthcare professional to identify the cause and explore treatment options. Treatment depends on the cause of the impairment:

  • Physical Therapy – Tailored exercises to improve strength, coordination, and fine motor skills in the hands.
  • Occupational Therapy – Training to adapt to daily tasks using assistive devices and techniques to regain independence.
  • Medications – Pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, or medications for neurological conditions.
  • Surgical Options – In some cases, surgery to release nerve pressure (e.g., carpal tunnel release) or correct tendon injuries may be necessary.


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