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Easy or Excessive Bruising and Bleeding – Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Easy or Excessive Bruising and Bleeding – Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

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Easy or Excessive Bruising and Bleeding – Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
Home / Easy or Excessive Bruising and Bleeding – Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Easy and excessive bruising and bleeding medically termed bleeding diathesis, occurs when a person experiences unusual bruising or bleeding. This can be a symptom of underlying health conditions affecting the blood’s clotting process.

Causes of Easy Bruising and Bleeding

Several factors can contribute to easy bruising and bleeding:

  • Hemophilia and Von Willebrand disease are genetic conditions affecting blood clotting.
  • Conditions like thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) or ITP (immune thrombocytopenic purpura) disrupt platelet function.
  • Liver conditions like cirrhosis can impair the liver’s ability to produce clotting factors.
  • Lack of vitamins K or C can interfere with blood clotting.
  • Certain drugs, including blood thinners and NSAIDs, can increase bleeding risk.
  • Leukemias can affect blood cell production, leading to bleeding issues.
  • Conditions like lupus can disrupt blood cell function.
  • Hemorrhagic fevers like dengue or Ebola can cause severe bleeding.
  • Conditions affecting bone marrow can lead to abnormal blood cell production.

Diagnosis of Easy Bruising and Bleeding

To diagnose the cause of easy bruising and bleeding, doctors may order blood tests to assess platelet count, clotting factor levels, and liver function. In some cases, a bone marrow biopsy might be necessary to examine bone marrow health. Additionally, imaging tests can be used to evaluate internal bleeding or any involvement of internal organs.

Treatment of Easy Bruising and Bleeding

Treatment for easy bruising and bleeding aims to address the underlying cause. This may involve medications to replace missing clotting factors, increase platelet count, or treat the root condition. In some cases, blood transfusions with platelets or clotting factors might be necessary. To prevent further complications, avoiding medications that increase bleeding risk is crucial. Rarely, surgery may be required to address specific causes or complications.

Emirates Hospitals offers comprehensive care for individuals with easy bruising and bleeding, providing advanced diagnostics, tailored treatment plans, and ongoing management to improve patient outcomes.

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