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Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma Treatment in Dubai | Best Morton’s Neuroma Doctors Book Appointment
Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma Treatment in Dubai at Emirates Hospitals Group. We offer specialized care for Morton’s neuroma, a condition that affects the nerves in the foot. Our team of the best foot and ankle surgeons in Dubai is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and treatment options to provide comprehensive care. Morton’s neuroma can cause significant discomfort and affect daily activities, but with our expert care, patients can find relief and return to a more comfortable, active lifestyle.

  • About Morton’s Neuroma
  • Causes & Symptoms
  • Treatment

About Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a common condition that involves the thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves leading to the toes. This thickening occurs due to irritation and compression of the nerve, typically between the third and fourth toes. Morton’s neuroma is often associated with a feeling of discomfort or pain that can radiate to the toes and the ball of the foot. While the condition is benign, the symptoms can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

morton's neuroma treatment

Causes & Symptoms

Causes of Morton’s Neuroma:

  1. Footwear: Wearing tight or high-heeled shoes that compress the toes can contribute to the development of Morton’s neuroma. Shoes that do not provide adequate support or have a narrow toe box can exacerbate the condition.
  2. Foot Structure: Certain foot structures, such as high arches or flat feet, can lead to abnormal pressure on the foot, increasing the risk of developing Morton’s neuroma.
  3. Repetitive Stress: Activities that involve repetitive pressure on the forefoot, such as running or jumping, can contribute to the development of Morton’s neuroma.
  4. Injury: Trauma or injury to the foot, such as a sprain or fracture, can trigger or worsen Morton’s neuroma by causing nerve irritation or compression.
  5. Foot Biomechanics: Abnormal foot mechanics, such as excessive pronation or supination, can lead to uneven pressure distribution on the foot and contribute to nerve irritation.

Symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma:

  1. Pain: The most common symptom is a sharp, burning pain in the ball of the foot, often radiating to the toes. The pain may worsen with walking or standing.
  2. Numbness: Some individuals experience numbness or tingling in the toes, particularly in the area affected by the neuroma.
  3. Swelling: The area around the neuroma may feel swollen or tender to the touch.
  4. Sensation of a Lump: Patients may feel a lump or a “pebble” sensation in the ball of the foot, which can be uncomfortable and painful.
  5. Discomfort When Wearing Shoes: Pain and discomfort often increase when wearing tight or high-heeled shoes, and relief is usually felt when the shoes are removed.

morton's neuroma best foot and ankle clinic


Non-Surgical Treatments:

  1. Footwear Modifications:
    • Switching to shoes with a wider toe box and better arch support can alleviate pressure on the affected nerve. Avoiding high heels and shoes that compress the toes is crucial for managing symptoms.
  2. Orthotic Devices:
    • Custom orthotic insoles can provide additional support and cushioning, helping to reduce pressure on the forefoot and alleviate pain associated with Morton’s neuroma.
  3. Medications:
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce pain and inflammation. In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be used to provide temporary relief from symptoms.
  4. Physical Therapy:
    • Physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles in the foot and improve biomechanics, reducing pressure on the affected nerve. Techniques may include stretching exercises and massage.
  5. Ice Therapy:
    • Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce swelling and numb pain. Ice therapy is most effective when used after periods of activity.

Surgical Treatments:

  1. Nerve Decompression Surgery:
    • If non-surgical treatments are ineffective, surgical intervention may be necessary. Nerve decompression surgery involves removing the thickened tissue around the nerve to relieve compression and alleviate pain.
  2. Nerve Resection:
    • In more severe cases, a portion of the affected nerve may be surgically removed to provide relief. This procedure is generally considered when other treatments have not been successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Morton’s neuroma is a condition where the tissue surrounding a nerve in the foot thickens, causing pain, numbness, and discomfort in the ball of the foot and toes.

Symptoms include sharp pain in the ball of the foot, numbness or tingling in the toes, swelling, and discomfort, especially when wearing tight or high-heeled shoes.

Causes include wearing tight or high-heeled shoes, foot structure abnormalities, repetitive stress, injury, and abnormal foot biomechanics.

Non-surgical treatments include modifying footwear, using orthotic devices, taking medications, undergoing physical therapy, and applying ice to the affected area.

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