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Tension Free Vaginal Tape (TVT)

Tension Free Vaginal Tape (TVT)

Tension Free Vaginal Tape (TVT) Procedure | Advanced Care | Urinary Incontinence Treatment Book Appointment
Tension Free Vaginal Tape (TVT)
Home / Medical Specialities / Gynecology / Urogynecology / Tension Free Vaginal Tape (TVT)

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Tension Free Vaginal Tape (TVT) Procedure at Emirates Hospitals Group. Tension-Free Vaginal Tape (TVT) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat stress urinary incontinence. At Emirates Hospitals Group, our skilled gynecologists offer TVT as an effective solution for women experiencing urinary leakage.

About TVT Procedure

TVT is a mid-urethral sling procedure that provides support to the urethra, preventing urine leakage during physical exertion. The procedure involves inserting a synthetic tape through the vaginal wall to create a supportive hammock-like structure.

Urinary Incontinence Treatment TVT

Benefits of TVT

TVT offers several advantages, including:

  • Effective treatment for stress urinary incontinence.
  • Minimal surgical trauma.
  • Shorter hospital stay and recovery time compared to traditional open surgeries.
  • High success rates.


The TVT procedure is performed under local or regional anesthesia. The surgeon makes small incisions in the vaginal wall and inserts the synthetic tape using specialized instruments. The tape is then secured in place to provide support to the urethra.

Tension Free Vaginal Tape Procedure


Recovery from TVT surgery is generally quick. Most women can resume normal activities within a few days. Our urogynecologists provide detailed post-operative care instructions and support to ensure a smooth recovery process.

Frequently Asked Questions

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, such as infection, bleeding, and erosion of the tape. However, complications are rare.

Yes, when performed by experienced surgeons, TVT is considered safe and effective.

The TVT tape is designed to be a long-lasting solution, but its durability can vary depending on individual factors. Regular follow-ups are recommended to monitor the tape’s integrity.

TVT has high success rates in reducing stress urinary incontinence symptoms in properly selected patients.

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