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Fetal Medicine Scans

Fetal Medicine Scans

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Fetal Medicine Scans
Home / Medical Specialities / Fetal Medicine / Fetal Medicine Scans

At Emirates Hospitals, we understand the profound joy and anticipation that comes with pregnancy. Our dedicated team of fetal medicine experts is committed to providing comprehensive prenatal care, ensuring the health and wellbeing of both mother and baby throughout your pregnancy journey.

Fetal Medicine Scans at Emirates Hospitals

Our Fetal Medicine Specialists are highly qualified healthcare professionals with extensive experience in monitoring fetal development. We offer a range of advanced ultrasound scans to assess your baby’s growth and identify any potential concerns early on.

  • Experienced Specialists: Our team comprises highly trained and accredited fetal medicine consultants who provide personalized care and address all your questions with empathy and expertise.
  • Advanced Technology: We utilize cutting-edge ultrasound equipment to deliver high-resolution images, enabling detailed evaluation of your baby’s development.
  • Comprehensive Range of Scans: We offer a variety of scans tailored to different stages of pregnancy, catering to your specific needs.
  • Holistic Approach: We collaborate closely with your obstetrician to ensure seamless continuity of care throughout your pregnancy.
  • Patient-Centered Care: We prioritize clear communication, keeping you informed and involved in every step of the process.

Types of Fetal Medicine Scans We Offer:

  • Dating Scan (6-10 Weeks): This early scan confirms pregnancy, estimates your due date, and assesses the viability of the fetus.
  • Nuchal Translucency (NT) or Nuchal Scan (11-13 Weeks): This scan measures the fluid collection at the back of your baby’s neck, which can be an indicator of certain chromosomal abnormalities, often combined with a blood test for a more comprehensive assessment.
  • Morphology Scan (Routine Anomaly Scan) (20-24 Weeks): This comprehensive scan assesses your baby’s anatomy, growth, and development, allowing for early detection of potential anomalies.
  • Fetal Growth Scan/Well Being Scan (28-34 Weeks): This scan monitors your baby’s growth, evaluates blood flow through the umbilical cord and placenta, and identifies any potential growth concerns.
  • Fetal ECHO Scan (Echocardiography): This specialized scan provides a detailed examination of your baby’s heart, assessing its structure and function.
  • Cervical Scan: This scan evaluates the health and length of your cervix, which can be important in certain high-risk pregnancies.

Experience peace of mind throughout your pregnancy journey with our advanced fetal medicine scans. Contact our Fetal Medicine Specialist or visit our website to schedule an appointment.

Together, let’s ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy for you and your precious baby.

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