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Tourette Syndrome

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Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations known as tics. These tics can range from mild to severe, often starting in childhood and varying in frequency and intensity over time. Common motor tics include blinking, shoulder shrugging, or facial grimacing, while vocal tics might include throat clearing, grunting, or repeating words. Although the exact cause is unknown, TS is thought to involve genetic and environmental factors affecting brain regions responsible for movement and behavior.

Comprehensive Tourette Syndrome Care

At Emirates Hospitals, we offer specialized care for Tourette Syndrome through a multidisciplinary approach. Our team of neurologists, psychologists, and occupational therapists collaborates to provide accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plans for managing tics and associated conditions like ADHD, OCD, or anxiety.

Diagnosis involves a thorough clinical evaluation, medical history review, and observation of tics. Once diagnosed, treatment focuses on improving quality of life. Mild cases often require no intervention, while moderate to severe cases are managed with behavioral therapy, medications, or a combination of both. Advanced treatment options like botulinum toxin injections or deep brain stimulation (DBS) are available for refractory cases.

In addition to medical treatments, our clinic provides counseling and education to support patients and families. This holistic approach ensures long-term management of symptoms and enhanced quality of life.

Services for Tourette Syndrome

  • Accurate Diagnosis: Clinical evaluations and tic observation.
  • Behavioral Therapy: Techniques like habit-reversal therapy for tic management.
  • Medication Management: Antipsychotics, alpha-adrenergic agonists, and other tic-reducing drugs.
  • Advanced Treatments: Botulinum toxin injections and deep brain stimulation for severe cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

TS symptoms include motor and vocal tics such as blinking, throat clearing, or repetitive words.

There is no cure, but treatments like therapy and medications effectively manage symptoms.


Yes, TS often runs in families and has a genetic component.


Yes, options include botulinum toxin injections and deep brain stimulation for severe cases.


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