Extensive and comprehensive checkups to all age groups for Women and men to detect and reverse early heart diseases, Diabetes, anemia, thyroid problems, Obesity, and metabolic syndrome.
Screening, Prevention, and Control of acute and chronic diseases like hypertension, Cholesterol, Diabetes, all types of anemias, Metabolic syndrome, Vitamin D, and Calcium Deficiency.
Vaccination of all age groups, including travel vaccines.
Emergency cases
Routine Surgical procedures like removal of warts and moles, cut wounds, ingrown toenail, and D&C of Abscesses
Routine Gynecologist Checkup
Treating anemia, Fatigue syndrome,e and heavy toxic metal in blood by intravenous therapy.
Comprehensive care of your medical condition with long term relationship to help all patients to reach their optimal health and care
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Dr. Malak Wehbe
Consultant Family Medicine
Emirates Hospital Jumeirah; Dubai MarinaLearn More
Dr. Wael Berro
Consultant - Family Medicine
Emirates Specialty Hospital DHCC; Emirates Hospital Clinic MarinaLearn More