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Dr Ramesh Kumar

Consultant Anesthesia

UK Trained Anesthesiologist

Practice Locations:
  • Emirates Specialty Hospital – DHCC
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Home / Doctors / Dr Ramesh Kumar

Dr. Ramesh Sadasivan is a highly experienced Consultant Anaesthetist at Emirates Specialty Hospital, bringing over 20 years of expertise in anaesthesia and intensive care. His practice spans globally, with extensive experience in the United Kingdom, Australia, and India. He completed his Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) in Anaesthesia.
Additionally, he has completed a prestigious fellowship in Regional Anaesthesia at Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia. He has held position as a Consultant in Anaesthesia at University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire in the UK.
He is renowned for his expertise in regional anaesthesia, with a special focus on orthopaedic and trauma cases.
Dr. Sadasivan utilizes advanced anaesthetic techniques to ensure superior patient outcomes, emphasizing safety, precision, and patient comfort throughout the perioperative period.

Expertise and Special Interests

  • Ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia for orthopaedic and major trauma surgeries.
  • Anaesthesia for robotic orthopaedic, urological and colorectal surgeries.
  • Anaesthesia for day case hip and knee arthroplasties.
  • Comprehensive preoperative assessment, intraoperative management, and enhanced recovery protocols.
  • Simulation-based medical education focusing on crisis resource management, non-technical skills and patient safety.
  • Development of innovative clinical frameworks for prevention and management of perioperative nerve injuries.

Education and Qualifications

  • CCST, United Kingdom
  • FCARCSI, College of Anaesthetists, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Associate Fellow, Royal College of Anaesthetists, London, UK
  • Diploma in Anaesthesia, Madras Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai, India.
  • MBBS, Stanley Medical College, Chennai, India.

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