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Radiology-Dr-Meerna-Elias-Ghannoum best-Specialist-Radiologist in abu dhabi

Dr Meerna Elias Ghannoum

Specialist Radiologist

Arabic, English
Practice Locations:
  • Emirates Hospital Day Surgery – Khalidiyah (Abu Dhabi)
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Dr. Meerna completed her Medical Degree from the Faculty of Medicine, Aleppo University, Syria and went on to do her Master’s in Radiology from the same university as well. Post completion of her master’s degree, Dr. Meerna worked in the Radiology Department of Aleppo University Hospital, as a specialist from 2001 to 2008 and later became the head of the Radiology Department for Gyn &Obs. Additionally, from 2005 to 2008, Dr. Meerna also worked with Medico Surgical Arabic Hospital (a busy surgical private hospital) in Syria.

On moving to Abu Dhabi in 2008, Dr. Meerna was associated with Almazroui Hospital and Cosmesurge. She is a member of the European Society of Breast Imaging and European Society of Radiology. Dr. Meerna has been featured in several TV and Radio programs and has written education articles for patients.

Expertise & Treatment:

Dr. Meerna’s keen interest is in developing a Women’s Health Imaging Center that offers state-of-the-art diagnostic services and speciality procedures including comprehensive breast imaging including ultrasound, mammography, core biopsy, FNA, Stereotactic biopsy and MRI.

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Radiology and Imaging

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