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Best Dr-Eglal-Mohammed-Baza-Specialist-Anesthesiologist

Dr Eglal Mohammed Baza

Specialist Anaesthetist

Arabic, English
Practice Locations:
  • Emirates Hospital Day Surgery – Khalidiyah (Abu Dhabi)
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Home / Doctors / Dr Eglal Mohammed Baza

Dr. Eglal Baza earned her medical degree from Ain Sham University, Cairo, Egypt and began her career in General Medicine at Cheshire, UK for two years with particular interest in chest disease. Following that, she joined Clatter Bridge Hospital, a large teaching hospital at Liverpool, specializing in Oncology. Dr. Baza then specialized in Anaesthesia at the Western General Hospital and Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland a big teaching hospital for four years.

Dr. Baza hold diplomas from the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, London, Diploma in Anaesthesia from the Royal college of Anesthesia, Diploma of interventional pain management & Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia under ultrasound from Montpellier University, France.

In UAE, she worked at Corniche Hospital after her return from the UK and served at Corniche Hospital for 20 years (Largest women hospital in the Gulf and a big referral center for high-risk cases in Abu Dhabi). Dr. Baza was also part of the commissioning team at Alain Cromwell Hospital in Alain and set up the Anesthesia Department there. The hospital was later renamed to Universal Hospital. She was associated with Al Mazzroui One Day Surgery as well. Dr. Baza also worked in Montego Bay, Jamaica as Senior registrar at Cornwall Regional Hospital & Kingston Public hospital and Victoria Jubilee hospital.


  • Medical degree, Ain Sham University, Cairo, Egypt
  • Specialization in Anaesthesia, Western General Hospital and Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Diploma in Anaesthesia from the Royal college of Anesthesia
  • Diploma of Interventional Pain Management
  • Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia under ultrasound, Montpellier University, France

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