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Metabolic Health Check Package – RAK

Package Price: AED 299

Package available at:
  • Emirates Hospital Clinic – Ras Al Khaimah
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Home / Metabolic Health Check Package – RAK

Metabolic health relates to how your body processes food, utilizes energy, and influences weight management. Optimize your health with our Metabolic Health Check Package at Emirates Hospital Clinics – Ras Al Khaimah. This comprehensive screening is essential for assessing and managing metabolic conditions, ensuring your well-being.

A metabolic health check is a comprehensive screening aimed at assessing various aspects of metabolic function in the body. It typically includes tests to evaluate parameters such as blood sugar levels (FBS, HbA1c), lipid profile (total cholesterol), kidney function (creatinine), liver function (ALT, AST), and overall blood count (CBC). This checkup helps identify early signs of metabolic disorders like diabetes, cholesterol abnormalities, and liver or kidney dysfunction, allowing for early intervention and management.

Package Includes:

Our Metabolic Health Check Package, priced at AED 299, includes:

  • Consultation with expert physicians
  • CBC (Complete Blood Count) for overall health assessment
  • FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) to monitor glucose levels
  • Creatinine test to evaluate kidney function
  • HbA1c for long-term blood sugar levels
  • Total cholesterol measurement for heart health
  • ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) tests for liver function assessment

Ensure your metabolic health today. Contact Emirates Hospitals Group to schedule your appointment.

This packages is effective from 19th July 2024 to 31st August 2024.

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