Brain Tumors

Brain tumors are a type of disease that people never want to encounter. All tumors that form inside the brain, or originate from tissues around the brain and grow into the skull, are called brain tumors. It can be seen in all age groups.

What are the symptoms of a brain tumor?

o   Headache (especially at night)

o   Nausea, vomiting, double vision, blurred vision

o   Fainting (epileptic seizures)

o   Balance and walking disorders

o   Numbness, tingling or loss of strength in the arms and legs

o   Forgetfulness, personality disorders, speech disorders

o   Hearing loss

In pituitary gland tumors; Various hormonal disorders such as menstrual irregularities, enlargement of the hands and feet can occur.

Brain tumor types

1 – Primary brain tumor:

  •         Benign brain tumor: through the lining of the brain (meningioma), nerves in the brain (schwanom), or congenital residual tumors (dermoid, epidermoid cyst)
  •         Malignant brain tumor: Rapidly growing tumors (glial tumor, anaplastic and glioblastoma multiforme)

2- Secondary brain tumor: These tumors, called metastatic brain tumors, are cancers that spread from other organs to the brain.




How to Understand Brain Tumor?

Technological advances provide a great convenience in diagnosis and identification of pathologies. In the diagnosis of brain tumor, a rough idea is obtained about the type of brain tumor by MR (Magnetic Resonance), and then it is clear whether there is a brain tumor by pathology laboratory examination. Advanced radiological imaging methods allow brain tumors to be shown in detail, which is very important for planning treatment. “CT angio” performed by giving contrast agent to the patient has an important place in the diagnosis of brain vascular diseases. The imaging method that comes to the fore in the evaluation of brain tissue and diseases is MR, that is, “Magnetic Resonance”. Biopsy can be difficult, risky and time consuming with known methods to have information about the lesions in the brain. Thanks to advanced MR imaging methods (Diffusion MR, DTI MR, Functional MR, Perfusion MR and MR spectroscopy), it is determined whether the suspected lesion in the brain is a tumor. The prevalence, type, metabolic-biochemical structure of the tumor, its relationship with the areas and pathways that provide speech, vision and movement can be evaluated.


Treatment Methods

o    Surgical treatment

o    Chemotherapy (medicated treatment)

o    Radiation (radiation therapy)

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