
You can have the best anemia treatment in our hospital in Dubai. It is important for the cells to get enough oxygen for all organs to function properly. Hemoglobin protein, which gives blood its color, also provides oxygen transport to the cells. The cells that carry the hemoglobin in the blood are red blood cells. In case of a decrease in the number of red blood cells, sufficient hemoglobin cannot be carried to the blood and the values decrease. This condition is called “anemia”.

Causes of anemia

  • Not enough red blood cells can be produced in the body

*Increased loss of red blood cells due to bleeding

  • Red blood cells are destroyed in the body in a shorter time than normal.


Anemia Symptoms

  • Easy fatigue and energy loss

*Unusually fast or irregular heartbeat, especially with exercise

  • Shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • Headache
  • dizziness
  • paleness of the skin
  • Cramps in the legs
  • Insomnia


Anemia weakens the immune system and lowers resistance to infections. Food and drinks containing vitamin C can be consumed to strengthen immunity. Vitamin C, which also facilitates the absorption of iron, is found in citrus fruits. Fresh beet and pomegranate juice work as blood makers. Foods such as spinach, celery, broccoli are rich in iron. The anemia problem is tried to be solved by including these nutrients in the nutrition program.

In cases where treatment cannot be provided by diet, blood-forming medications can be used. Treatment can be offered according to the type of anemia.

Types of Anemia

  •    Iron deficiency anemia: The desire to eat different substances such as cracks in the mouth, soil, indicates that the person has iron deficiency. It is treated with iron-containing foods and iron supplements.
  •    Anemia due to vitamin deficiency: Symptoms such as hardening and numbness in the hands and feet, clumsiness, forgetfulness are especially symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 is treated with medication supplements and nutrients.
  •    Aplastic anemia: Frequent infections, fever, flaking and flaking are the main symptoms and require blood transfusions or bone marrow transplants for treatment.
  •    Hemolytic anemias: For the treatment of this disease, which has symptoms such as jaundice, brown or red urine, wounds in the legs, developmental retardation during infancy, the patient is given drugs that attack the red blood cells and suppress the immune system.

·   Sickle cell anemia: Oxygen support is provided in the treatment of the disease that manifests itself with fatigue, susceptibility to infections, regression in growth and development in children, especially in the joints and abdominal region, and pain medications are given and intravenous fluid supplements are used.

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