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Pain Medicine Clinic

Pain Medicine Clinic

Best Pain Management Specialist Clinic in Dubai Book Appointment
Pain Medicine Clinic
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Pain Medicine
Chronic pain is a complex issue, and we understand that it can be a burden on patients and their families. At the Department of Pain Medicine, our team of experts are amongst the best pain medicine specialists in Dubai and offer the latest cutting edge, minimally invasive interventional methods to treat patients with acute, chronic pain, and cancer-related pain.
Our goal is to reduce pain, and improve functional levels and quality of life, while eliminating the need for the addictive nature of pain medications.
Our board-certified interventional pain physician and physical therapists focus on individually tailored treatment through the latest minimally invasive, evidence-based techniques.

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Multidisciplinary Treatment for Pain Management
We believe in a multidisciplinary care model which includes non-addictive medications, physical therapy and interventional pain procedures.

What do we treat?

  • Cancer-related pain.
  • Cervical degenerative disc disease.
  • Chronic abdominal pain.
  • Chronic back pain.
  • Chronic headache and facial pain.
  • Chronic hip pain and osteoarthritis.
  • Chronic knee pain and osteoarthritis.
  • Chronic neck pain.
  • Chronic pelvic pain.
  • Chronic shoulder pain.
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome CRPS.
  • Failed back surgery syndrome.
  • Lumbar degenerative disc disease.
  • Myofascial muscle pain.
  • Neuropathy including diabetic neuropathy.
  • Osteoarthritis of the spine.
  • Pain after back/spine surgery.
  • Pain after peripheral nerve injuries.
  • Post-dural puncture headache PDPH.
  • Sciatica.
  • Shingles pain and post herpetic neuralgia PHN.
  • Spinal Stenosis.
  • Vertebral Compression Fractures.

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Interventional Procedures for Pain Management

  • Epidural Steroid Injections (ESIs): Often used to treat nerve pain, which radiates from the spine down and can cause sharp pains to shoot from the lower back into the legs, or from the neck into the shoulders and arms.
  • Medial Branch Blocks (MBB): Used for the diagnosis and treatment of pain related to arthritis of the small joints of the spine,including the neck, mid and low back pain. If the patient experiences good pain relief from the procedure, they can be a candidate for radiofrequency ablation.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA): A device is used to deliver an electrical current and heat to the small nerves of the spine and joints. It can provide long lasting pain relief to patients suffering from chronic neck and back pain as well as patients suffering from knee, hip and shoulder pain due to arthritis.
  • Cooled Radiofrequency ablation (COLIEF): A device that can help patients suffering from knee, hip and shoulder pain. This minimally invasive treatment targets nerves that transmit pain signals, and it’s the first and only radiofrequency treatment FDA-cleared for the relief of osteoarthritis knee pain.
  • Differential Target Multiplexed (DTM) Spinal Cord Simulation (SCS): Offers patients the very latest interventional technique, with more than 80% reporting a notable reduction in chronic pain. The implanted DTM device targets neurons, as well as two types of cells involved the chronic pain pathway, to give exceptional pain relief results. DTM is especially effective in treating patients who are experiencing pain after surgery.
  • Intrathecal Pump (ITP): A device is implanted that delivers pain medication to the spinal fluid. It helps patients suffering from chronic pain related to cancer or patients with chronic pain where other treatments weren’t successful.
  • Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation (DRG): A novel device designed for patients suffering from focal neuropathic pain related to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Similar to traditional Spinal Cord Stimulation, DRG delivers electrical signals to the dorsal root ganglion, a bundle of nerves just outside the spinal cord.
  • Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty: These procedures can be effective in treating people with vertebral compression fractures due to trauma, osteoporosis, or cancer. Kyphoplasty involves cement insertion inside the vertebral body together with creation of a cavity using a balloon, which allows the cement to be injected before being removed.
  • Percutaneous Disc Decompression (PDD): It’s is a minimally invasive discectomy procedure to treat back pain, leg pain and neck pain caused by herniated discs compressing the nerve in spine.
  • Injection Therapy: A patient’s own platelets are injected to improve the function of tissues. The treatment is not widely available in the UAE, but can offer relief for patients following sports injuries, or for those affected by osteoarthritis of tendinitis.

Other pain management procedures we offer includes:

  • Joint and bursa injections for knee, shoulder, hip and other peripheral joints using ultrasound or X-ray guidance.
  • Sacroiliac joint steroid injections for back/buttock pain related to sacroiliac joint (SIJ) dysfunction.
  • Intercostal nerve blocks for chest wall pain.
  • Superficial nerve blocks for headache such as occipital nerve blocks, sphenopalatine ganglion block and injections for chronic migraine/dystonia and spasticity.
  • Nerve blocks for shoulder pain including suprascapular, axillary nerve blocks. .
  • Trigeminal nerve blocks for trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Nerve blocks for abdominal pain including ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric, TAP, quadratus lumborum blocks, celiac plexus injections.
  • Nerve blocks to treat pelvic pain such as ganglion impar blocks, superior hypogastric blocks and pudendal nerve blocks. .
  • Sympathetic nerve blocks to treat Complex Regional Pain Syndrome CRPS: lumbar sympathetic block, stellate ganglion block and impar ganglion neuromodulation.
  • Discogram for diagnosis of lumbar discogenic pain.
  • Trigger point injections for myofascial muscle pain.
  • Epidural blood patch to treat post-dural puncture headaches.
  • Prolotherapy using regenerative techniques with dextrose.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Pain management specialists treat a variety of conditions including chronic back and neck pain, arthritis, neuropathic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, and post-surgical pain.

Common treatments include medications, physical therapy, nerve blocks, epidural injections, spinal cord stimulation, acupuncture, and lifestyle modifications. In some cases, minimally invasive surgical procedures may be recommended.

Yes, many pain management therapies can effectively reduce pain and improve function, potentially avoiding the need for surgery. These therapies focus on relieving pain, enhancing mobility, and improving quality of life.


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