The general name of imaging methods that enables the examination of organs with hollow visibility with the help of a tubular device with a thin, soft and flexible, light and camera system at the end is “endoscopy”.

What is Gastroscopy?

Endoscopic procedure is entered through the mouth, called “gastroscopy” of the esophagus-stomach-duodenum.

In Which Cases Is It Done?

* Difficulty swallowing, burning and pain behind the chest, hot water coming into the mouth

* Pain in the upper abdomen, burning, souring, nausea, vomiting, treatment-resistant anemia, weight loss of unknown cause

* In determining the cause of upper digestive system bleeding (fresh blood coming from the mouth)

* For the diagnosis of esophagus and stomach cancers

* In the detection of inflamed areas, small ulcers and tumors

Endoscopic methods are used for diagnostic purposes as well as for treatment purposes. Gastroscopy is performed to collect tissue samples (biopsy) for diseases and conditions such as anemia, bleeding, inflammation, diarrhea or digestive system cancers. In addition, gastroscopy is performed with the help of special tools passed through the gastroscope to treat damage to the digestive system, widen strictures, stop ulcer bleeding, remove tumors called polyp without surgery, or remove a swallowed foreign object.


How Is Gastroscopy Performed?

Eating and drinking are left about 8 hours before the procedure. If the patient has drugs he/she has to use, he/she should definitely inform his doctor about this in advance. The patient is given calming medications intravenously, and he is relieved. The endoscopic device advances through the mouth to the stomach.

What is a Colonoscopy?

When the endoscopic procedure is done through the anus, it is called “colonoscopy”.

  In Which Cases Is It Done?

Unexplained abdominal pain or weight loss

* Prolonged diarrhea or constipation

* Anemia that does not respond to treatment

* Blood in stool

* Early diagnosis and treatment of intestinal polyps (polyp = fleshy protrusion)


Why Are Intestinal Polyps Important?

Intestinal cancers are one of the most common types of cancer. This type of cancer, which is caused by etched protrusions called polyps, often causes no complaints until the polyps become cancerous. Nowadays, in order to prevent colon cancer, monitoring of the presence of polyps every 5 years from the age of 50 is a worldwide accepted method, even if there are no complaints. In individuals with colon cancer in their families, it is recommended to keep the follow-up age earlier.

How is a colonoscopy done?

The patient cleanses the intestine 1-2 days before the procedure with the help of drugs. It is preferred to stop eating and drinking approximately 8 hours before the procedure. The patient should definitely inform the doctor before any medications he/she has to use. Full anesthesia is not applied to the patient who is ready for the procedure, unless necessary. Medication is given only to prevent pain, and thanks to these drugs, the patient partially sleeps. The duration of the colonoscopy varies depending on the procedure to be performed, but it takes a maximum of 1 hour.