
Bile is a secretion secreted by the liver. It flows from the liver to the gallbladder and accumulates there. After consuming some foods, especially fatty foods, the gallbladder contracts and sends the condensed bile inside the twelve fingers. The components that make up the bile are fluid in normal conditions. However, the increase or decrease in the ratio of the components impairs fluidity and causes sedimentation. These deposits cause stone formation in the gallbladder. Advanced age, overweight and having given birth increases the formation of stones in the gallbladder. It is more common in women.


Stones that usually do not show signs when they block the outlet of the gallbladder and prevent the usual flow of the outbreak. In this process called obstructive jaundice, abdominal pain, jaundice, red or brown urine, nausea, vomiting and fever can be seen.

The gallstones, which fall into the bile duct and cause congestion, can cause cholangitis or acute pancreatitis by causing infection.

Diagnosis is made with blood, urine, stool tests and ultrasonography (US). Rarely, other imaging methods such as computed tomography and MRI are used for diagnosis.


Short-Term drug treatment often improves, but sometimes episodes that require urgent surgery may occur, especially in patients with diabetes and similar problems. The most common method is laparoscopic surgery.

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