
We have organs, tissues, cells that work in a uniform order for the body functions to function properly. The secretion organs secrete the hormones needed and deliver it to other tissues and organs through the blood. There is also blood lipids, that is, fats in our blood. And, as in any case, an excess or a small amount of oil can cause problems.

There are different types of fats, which are also called cholesterol

LDL- Low-Density Lipoprotein: It is considered bad cholesterol because it causes vascular occlusion.

HDL- High-Density Lipoprotein: It is considered as good cholesterol because it transfers excess cholesterol in the blood to the liver and reduces clotting, preventing vascular occlusion.

VLDL-Very Low-Density Lipoprotein


If the amount of cholesterol, TG or LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood increases or if the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) decreases, “dyslipidemia” occurs. This increases the risk of heart attack and stroke due to vascular occlusion. Lipid disorders are the cause of many cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease.

The causes leading to dyslipidemia disease are grouped as “primary” and “secondary”. Primary causes are more common in children. These are lipid disorders caused by excessive amounts of TG and LDL in the blood or low HDL in the blood. Secondary causes are more common in adults. Saturated fat, cholesterol and trans-fatty acids are very common in people who lead a diet (processed foods) and lead a lifestyle that does not contain enough movement. In addition, the use of drugs such as cholestatic liver diseases such as diabetesmellitus, high alcohol use, chronic kidney failure, hypothyroidism, primary biliary cirrhosis and thiazides, beta-blockers, retinoids, estrogen, progestin and glucocorticoids are among the secondary causes. Especially Type 2 diabetes patients are in the risk group. Diabetic dyslipidemia is exacerbated by high-calorie consumption and physical inactivity in some type 2 diabetes patients. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet.

With the support of endocrinologists, drug treatments, nutrition programs and exercises are organized and lipid disorders are tried to be treated.

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