Blood Pressure

What is blood pressure?

The pressure inside the arteries is called blood pressure. Systolic (large) and diastolic (small) blood pressures are measured in blood pressure measurement. The pressure measured when the heart contracts is called systolic blood pressure (large blood pressure). The pressure measured when the heart muscle relaxes is called diastolic blood pressure (small blood pressure). On average, large blood pressure’s being between 120-130 and small blood pressure’s being between 70-90 is considered as normal. Values below these are called “hypotension” and values above them are called “hypertension”.

How is high blood pressure treated?

After evaluating the conditions causing high blood pressure, it is first necessary to try to eliminate these factors. For example, if the patient is over the ideal weight, a healthy and appropriate nutrition program should be organized to lose weight. Fruit consumption should be increased, salt consumption should be minimized. In order to maintain cholesterol order, foods with high saturated fat rate are removed from the nutrition program. Patients who do not move much during the day are recommended regular physical activity (walking) to regulate their blood pressure. Patients who use alcohol or cigarettes are advised to give up these harmful habits. Despite all this, if the blood pressure does not return to normal values, drug therapy is started. The person should definitely use their district regularly, and never change the dosage of the drug without the doctor’s advice.


Blood pressure during pregnancy

High blood pressure can be seen during pregnancy. Whether this condition indicates pregnancy or preeclampsia should be investigated and differentiated from chronic hypertension. There is protein leakage in urine in hypertension seen in preeclampsia. In preeclampsia, edema, headache and liver disorder are also seen. Pregnancy blood pressure harms both mother and baby. It usually occurs after the second half of pregnancy. It can cause premature birth, developmental retardation, brain damage, and damage to the baby’s plerant.


Eye tension (Glaucoma)

Damage to the optic nerve as a result of the eye pressure increasing from time to time is called “eye pressure”. Glaucoma is more common in people over the age of 40 and may be genetic. The risk is higher in myopes. In diabetes and hypothyroidism, those who use long-term cortisone and those with eye injuries have an increased risk of glaucoma.

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